Admission Form

Please scroll down to fill and submit the registration form


Admission Form for Pre-KG to 8th & 11th Grade

Name of the Student *
Gender * Male Female
Date of Birth *
Seeking Admission to which class *
Father's Name *
Father's Qualification *
Father's Occupation & Designation (If Business, specify) *
Father's Mobile No. *
Father's Email ID *
Father's Annual Income *
Mother's Name *
Mother's Qualification *
Mother's Occupation & Designation (If Business, specify) *
Mother's Mobile No *.
Mother's Email ID *
Mother's Annual Income *
Residential Address *

Distance from Residence to School *
Community with category GEN ST SC BC
Is Applicant’s brother / sister studying / studied in this School?
Mode of Transport *
Upload Your Documents
Passport Size Image * (please upload jpeg or bmp files only)
Birth Certificate *

Aadhaar Card copy of the student
Community Certificate copy of the student
