Admission Procedure

Admission Form

Admission Procedure

Admissions for Pre-KG to 8th and 11th is now open. Parents are requested to submit the online registration forms online so as to expedite the process.

Parent(s) / Guardian(s) seeking admission for their wards should obtain an Application Form for registration and a Prospectus. All Application Forms for registration duly filled in along with the necessary/required enclosures, if any, should reach the School Office on or before the date which shall be specified and informed to them at the time of obtaining the Application Forms and Prospectus.

As per CBSE admission procedure


Admissions for Pre-KG to 8th and 11th is now open. Parents are requested to submit the online registration forms online so as to expedite the process.

May 1st To June 5th

i) The minimum age for Admission to Pre-KG is Two and a half years (2½ years) ii) Admission of a Student to the School would mean complete acceptance of all the Rules and Regulations of the School by the Students, Parent(s) and Guardian(s). iii) Every Student must produce all necessary documents like Birth Certificate, Community Certificate, Transfer Certificate, Migration Certificate, Aadhaar Card etc., as applicable, at the time of Admission to the School or on the date/day/time agreed to and specified by the School in such particular cases. Failure to do so will lead to cancellation of Admission.

Admission Form
