The School Academic Year comprises of two semesters as herein below:
Devi Academy is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Delhi. We prepare our Students from Pre-KG to XII Standard in accordance with the CBSE Syllabus, giving due respect to the New Educational Policy of the Government of India following Textbooks and Reference books based on the guidelines of NCERT. This enables our students to be well prepared to appear for the XII, AISSCE (All India Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination) conducted by CBSE, Delhi during March of every Calendar Year.
Devi Academy provides education to students right from Pre KG through Standard XII, on the 10 +2 pattern. In the Junior Sections, we take extra care to ensure that the syllabus of one class dovetails into the next higher class in a way such that no undue burden is felt by the student.
Scientifically-proven graded methods of teaching towards developing the skill to read and write are adopted. Art and Craft (line and curve drawings, thumb-print sketches, Spray and mosaic paintings, paper foldings, Plasticine models, etc.), Music, Puppetry, Story telling and Role play from an integral part of the Juniors’ curriculum.
A full-fledged language Laboratory with graded lessons and Mathematics Lab to suit the specific needs of students is a unique feature of the Institution.
Core: English
General Studies
Work Experience
Physical and Health Education, Yoga
Classes I to X: To provide a holistic profile of the students through regular assessment of scholastic and co-scholastic domains, the school follows continuous and comprehensive evaluation according to CBSE guidelines. The CCE scheme brings about a paradigm shift from examination to effective pedagogy.
To de-stress learning and not to give undue focus to the Terminal Examination, a Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) is introduced in the primary classes. Cycle Tests have been introduced in these classes (Std. I to V). CCE is spread over the year.
An Achievement Record is maintained for each student in the format specified by the CBSE Board. Cycle Tests for these classes will be conducted on Thursdays.
The academic session is divided into two semesters: April to September (First Semester) and October to March (Second Semester). Each semester will have two Formative Assessments and one Summative Assessment.
Formative Assessment (FA) 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 40%
Summative Assessment (SA) 1 + 2 = 60%
The Achievement Record will have grades, not marks. Grading is done in Scholastic and Co-scholastic areas, such as academic performance and co-curricular activities (Literary & Creative skills, Scientific skills, Aesthetic skills, etc.).